
  • Omani Promoters
  • Foreign Promoters
Eyhab Al-Haj

Eyhab Al-Haj - Executive Director - HEMA Engineering

After graduating as an honor student from Imperial college of London in Mechanical engineering in 1996, Eyhab started serving the Oil and Gas industry in Oman. He took various roles starting with Mechanical Construction Supervisor, then senior Project & Concept Engineer on the Mukhaizna project, e-Business Strategist & Supply Chain Analyst (C&P) for Shell international. He subsequently moved into strategy and advisory roles such as Senior Contracting & Procurement Strategist (C&P), Senior Contractual Advisor (C&P) & Senior Economist. Eyhab then wished to back up his strong technically grounded experience by strong business understanding so he completed his MBA from Nottingham University, Business School, UK in 2004. He then took roles as Corporate Strategy & Planning and Director Business Development in one of the leading telecommunication companies in Oman. Subsequently, Eyhab partnered up with Khalfan to form a company on management consultancy called Prosper for several years before jointly creating HEMA Energy in 2011 to serve the Oil and Gas industry and be part of the In country value addition.

Loay Al Haj

Loay Al Haj - Managing Director - HEMA Engineering

Graduated in 1997 from the University of UMIST, UK in computational physics. He has local as well vast international experience in the Oil industry. He started in Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) as a well site petroleum engineer on various rigs. He subsequently, joined the deep high pressure sour oil field development in PDO where he gained experience in massive hydraulic fracture stimulation, from design to execution. He also supported the production engineering aspects of drilling, completing, hook up and operations of the deep oil wells. Loay augmented his technically grounded experience with strong business understanding by completing his MBA from the University of Herriot-Watt, UK in 2002. He then worked in one of the major EOR projects in Oman for miscible gas injection where he designed the standard for the completion design and material selection for the phase-1 wells. Loay started his international working experience by taking the role as Production Engineer in charge of a gas development production system in the Netherlands. He then worked in the USA as Senior Production Engineer and wells lead for various projects. As well as supporting projects of various natures pass through the value assurance reviews. He then came back to Oman as a Well and Reservoir Management Team Leader for the largest thermal development in Oman. Loay joined HEMA Energy as managing director in early 2012. He is keen to have the company founding members realize their vision of both establishing HEMA Energy as respectable Oil and Gas contributing establishment, and more importantly being an example of maximizing In Country Value for Oman


Fund for Development of Youth Projects (Sharakah)

Sharakah is a closed joint stock company incorporated by Royal Decree (76/98) in 1998 and shows the on-going commitment and support of the government to entrepreneurs. Sharakah offers financial and post financial support to local SMEs.

Rishi Aggarwal

Mr. Rishi Aggarwal

Mr. Rishi Aggarwal has been serving as the Vice President in Finance in his family run business in India. He is looking after the financial management, budgeting, cash-flow management, accounts, audits and financial risks of the company. He is young, enthusiastic and entrepreneurial and coupled with his masters degree in finance and economics from the US, he has successfully steered his family business into the path of growth with minimal risk. He continues to provide leadership and strategic advice for overall direction and management.

Abhay Aggarwal

Mr. Abhay Aggarwal

Mr. Abhay Aggarwal has been serving as the Vice President in Sales and Marketing in his family run business in India. He provides an apex level focus in marketing and sales. His dedication to sales has ensured a steady order-booking even in the challenging years. He is developed excellent relationships with clients and suppliers spanning across various industries and continues in his efforts to expand markets and the overall client base.