Eyhab Al-Haj - Executive Director - HEMA Engineering
After graduating as an honor student from Imperial college of London in Mechanical engineering in 1996, Eyhab started serving the Oil and Gas industry in Oman. He took various roles starting with Mechanical Construction Supervisor, then senior Project & Concept Engineer on the Mukhaizna project, e-Business Strategist & Supply Chain Analyst (C&P) for Shell international. He subsequently moved into strategy and advisory roles such as Senior Contracting & Procurement Strategist (C&P), Senior Contractual Advisor (C&P) & Senior Economist. Eyhab then wished to back up his strong technically grounded experience by strong business understanding so he completed his MBA from Nottingham University, Business School, UK in 2004. He then took roles as Corporate Strategy & Planning and Director Business Development in one of the leading telecommunication companies in Oman. Subsequently, Eyhab partnered up with Khalfan to form a company on management consultancy called Prosper for several years before jointly creating HEMA Energy in 2011 to serve the Oil and Gas industry and be part of the In country value addition.