Conducting the business according to applicable law and company rules:
Corporate Compliance Policy forms the basis
Oman Flange Production Factory L.L.C aims to succeed in the competitive arena by being innovative, quality-driven, reliable and fair. This means observing both company-specific and statutory regulations. The Corporate Compliance Policy forms the basis for this. It draws attention to a number of principles that are of particular significance in practice.
Oman Flange Production Factory L.L.C respect applicable law, including international law, and requires its employees and business partners to do likewise. This policy lists some of the main points that are of particular practical relevance.
- Fair competition
Oman Flange Production Factory L.L.C is absolutely committed to the principle of fair competition and, in particular, to the strict observance of
antitrust law.
- Integrity in business dealings
Corruption will not be tolerated.
- Principle of sustainability
Oman Flange Production Factory L.L.C is conscious of its responsibility to protect health and the environment and ensure people's safety.
- Fair and respectful working conditions
All employees are expected to behave in a friendly, objective, fair and respectful manner toward colleagues and third parties. Discrimination or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
- Protecting our intellectual property rights
Protecting our intellectual property rights and respecting those of others confidential company information must not be disclosed to any third party or made public. Employees must treat the intellectual property rights of other entities with the same respect.
- Keeping corporate and personal interests separate
All employees must always keep their personal interests separate from those of the company. Personnel decisions and business relationships with third parties must also be based solely on objective criteria.
- Cooperation with the authorities
The Company endeavors to be cooperative in its dealings with all authorities and government agencies. All information communicated to the authorities must be correct and complete and be provided in an open, timely and understandable manner.
- The company provides employees with access to all the necessary information resources and counsel to prevent violations of the law or company regulations.
- Every supervisor must organize his or her area of responsibility so as to ensure adherence to company rules and applicable law and thus to the Corporate Compliance Policy.
- All employees are required to immediately report any violations of the Corporate Compliance Policy.
- The holding company, subgroups, service companies and country organizations appoint Compliance Officers, whose responsibilities include providing advice and training on compliance issues and investigating any alleged compliance violations.
- Corporate Auditing will review the effectiveness of the Corporate Compliance Policy at regular intervals.